Monday, February 2, 2009

Dangerous neighborhood

Many of the extraordinary incidents that result in traumas and death of many people are occurred due to negligence and irresponsible actions of one or more persons. Residents of apartment buildings, special attention should be given to neighbors, leading antisocial lifestyle (alcohol, «parasites»). Standard situation: after consumption of large quantities of alcohol man fell asleep with a cigarette, as a result - the fire, which may be affected not only by the owner, but also its neighbors. Non-standard (cheap), heating equipment - another reason why a fire. 
So the neighbors, indeed, may be the cause of many emergencies. With regard to a variety of sensors, the residents themselves do not realize that they need. For example, fire detectors installed in new buildings of modern flats, are often removed by the owners – moved in residents to a new apartment, began to make repairs, and «impede» probe was removed. It also extended a situation where in the general corridor of some of the neighbors’ partition, it is their property. 
But there is the smoke removal system, which could save his life and the lives of its neighbors. Irresponsibility leads people to theft and enforcement of disability fire systems installed in the house. I want to advise people - think about their safety, the safety of people living near you. First of all, start with yourself ». To solve the problem of a troubled neighborhood and could be on its own: the same answer, express brutally and even frighten. Whether or not effective, and the legality of such measures? As far as the law protects the residents of apartment buildings from their dangerous neighbors, these questions we asked the lawyers.